Thursday 5 December 2013

Equipment and Editing Software used for Prelim Task.

We used a Sony HandHeld Camera to film our task.
iMovie was the editing software we used.
Some of the features of iMovie

Shooting Schedule for Prelim Task

We were required to create a shooting schedule, depicting how and when we shot our scenes.
 General overview of Schedule
General indication of time scale
 Dates and scene numbers
Characters involved in the scene and equipment used

Prelim Storyboard

We called our film Done Deal. The story involves a dealer and a buyer.The dealer played by Callum (me) the buyer is played by Jake. Jake walks into a room, sits down at the table with me, they exchange money for drugs, exchange a few words of dialogue to each other and Jake walks out. The scene is very suspenseful because of the nature of its contents, the scene is tense and there is a lot of atmosphere between the two characters.  

Preliminary Task Introduction

For our Preliminary Task we were asked to produce a short opening of a film, to include some specific features. These include 'Match on Action', '180-Degree Rule', and 'Shot Reverse Shot'. The video is called 'Done Deal' and it involves two characters, a dealer and a buyer.  My Group was made up of; Timon, Sophiyah, Me and Jake.